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Alexander Macnab

Web Developer and Audiovisual Designer

Website for creating leagues and keeping scores for Hearts/Black Mariah

ATOM Website (BETA)

(In Development) Dynamic front-end development project for London-based artist Finbar Marcel. Utilising HTML, CSS, Javascript, Cables Graphical Library.

FilmFlix WebApp

Full-stack Flask web application with dynamic URLs allowing database manipulation / CRUD operations. Utilising HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jinja2, Flask, Python, SQL

FilmFlix CLI

Command-line interface application of the FilmFlix mock database. Utilising SQLite3 and Python.

Currency Exchange Calculator

Web GUI application for comparing currency exchange rates abroad. Utilising Streamlit and Python.

To-Do List

Web GUI application with a simple to-do list. Utilising Streamlit and Python.

I am a London-based creative and junior software developer passionate about music, art, entertainment and technology. Using experience in HTML5, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Python, Flask, MySQL, SQLite3; I aim to provide visually stunning and tactile user experiences through various digital mediums.

Specialising in audiovisual creativity, I am using knowledge of graphic and sound design to enhance each project and I am currently developing a website for visual artist/mad scientist Finbar Marcel, a full-stack web app for creating leagues and tracking scores in the card game Black Mariah, as well as a full-stack web application for customisable, shared notes and lists.